
An overbite isn’t just an aesthetic issue; many people benefit from having dentists and oral surgeons fix their teeth. This common problem, in which the upper front teeth protrude over the lower teeth by 30 to 50%, typically occurs when there is too little space for teeth size or excessive room in the jaw. Learn more about what can be done to address this condition in the guide below.

Overbites & Oral Health

Overbites strain the teeth, muscles, and jaw, which can make chewing painful and speaking difficult. They also interfere with brushing and flossing, increasing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Related jaw pain may result in headaches and temporomandibular joint disorder. Patients with overbites may not be able to fully close their mouths.

There are two main types of overbites, vertical and horizontal. Vertical overbites cause the upper central incisors to dramatically overlap over the lower central incisors. With horizontal overbites, the upper teeth significantly protrude.


oral surgeonTreatment depends on the severity of the overbite. A dentist or oral surgeon will use photos, X-rays, and teeth impressions to make a diagnosis. If the bite is relatively minor, a retainer may be enough to pull the front teeth back into position. Braces and jaw splints also correct bite problems.

Severe overbites may call for surgery using titanium plates & screws to keep the jaw in position. Once the jaw has healed, an oral surgeon removes the plates and screws. Jaw surgery is for adults only because the facial bones must be fully formed for procedure success. Tooth extraction is also an option to let remaining teeth move into their proper positions.


Correct your overbite with the help of Oral Surgery Associates of Alaska in Anchorage. The board-certified team provides teeth extraction, jaw surgery, and other cosmetic dental care services to create beautiful, healthy smiles. Call (907) 561-1430 today to schedule an appointment, or visit the oral surgeons online for more procedure information. You can also find additional oral health tips on Facebook.
