
Energy efficiency benefits your wallet and the environment by bringing down utility costs and reducing energy waste. If you’re trying to make your home more energy-efficient, the first element to consider is your HVAC system. Beyond HVAC repairs, there are a few steps you can take to ensure your heating and cooling unit is operating at maximum efficiency. To help you reduce your utility bills and carbon footprint, here are a few ways you can make your HVAC work less hard.

How Can You Make Your HVAC System More Energy-Efficient?

1. Check Your Windows & Doors

Even if you’re on top of HVAC repairs, the efficiency of your units will be compromised if there’s cool air leaking out of your home. To prevent this, be sure that your windows and doors aren’t creating drafts. If you feel air escaping through cracks, use caulking or weatherstripping to reduce temperature transfers.

2. Change The Filter

hvac repairsThe HVAC system’s air filters keep the air flowing while removing impurities. Over time, they become clogged with dust and other debris. This slows down airflow and makes the system work harder, thus spiking your energy bills. The average homeowner should change their filters every three months, but you may want to check them more often if you have indoor pets or allergies. 

3. Schedule an Inspection

You might think that your HVAC unit is running efficiently, but there could be hidden issues that affect its performance. Cracked ducts, debris buildup, leaks, mechanical damage, and obstructed vents are just some of the problems that professionals often identify. If your energy bills have been unusually high, you may need an HVAC repair or replacement to bring costs down.

4. Upgrade Your Systems

Outdated systems will generally be less efficient than newer models. While some HVAC systems can last for a decade or more, upgrading yours to an ENERGY STAR® unit is helpful if you’re experiencing efficiency issues. Whether you pick a central cooling unit or a ductless piece of equipment, these products have higher seasonal energy efficiency (SEER) ratios to help you maintain a comfortable indoor environment without breaking the bank.


If you require HVAC repair or replacement to make your home more efficient, the team at Hands On Heating Inc. will provide services you can trust. Located in Stratford, CT, this team has served Fairfield and Westchester counties since 2006. They offer residential, commercial, and industrial work to keep your property efficient. They also provide water heater repair and oil to gas conversions. View a list of their services online or call (203) 612-1904 to schedule an appointment.
