
A sincere, heartfelt word can be extremely comforting to someone during their time of grief. When attending a funeral service, you naturally want to say the right things to the family of the deceased. This can be a delicate process, as you want to show your support but don’t want to cause offense or add to bad feelings.

What to Say (& Not Say) to Someone Who Is Grieving

1. Don’t Say the Person Is in a Better Place

Regardless of a person’s spiritual beliefs, most would prefer that their loved one is right there by their side. Statements like the above can be jarring in this respect and may even deepen a person’s feeling of loss and isolation. 

2. Admit That You’re at a Loss for Words

Virtually everyone has struggled with finding the right words during a funeral service. This is a very human experience, and it’s okay to admit it to a person who is grieving. Chances are, they will appreciate your sincerity. 

3. Offer Support

funeral serviceSometimes, a genuine offer of support, be it moral or material, is enough when a person has lost a loved one. Many people find it hard to ask for help even when they need it, especially when they’re reeling from a recent death in the family. By offering your support, you’re showing that the person is not alone, which is extremely comforting. 

4. Don’t Claim That Everything Happens for a Reason

Tragic, senseless occurrences happen all the time without rhyme or reason. Not everyone believes there is some grand plan that dictates life and happenings, and even people who do ascribe to that belief system may be wavering in light of their loss. If you don’t know what to say, just say sorry.


When it comes to planning a respectful and comforting funeral service, Dennis George Funeral Home offers the benefit of more than two decades of service. These compassionate funeral directors will guide your choices when it comes to funeral planning, including assisting with a casket or urn choice and helping you design a fitting memorial service. If you’re planning a funeral service for a loved one in Cleves, OH, please call (513) 941-6700 today. You can also read more about grief by visiting the website
