
Shaving, plucking, and waxing can often be tedious and uncomfortable ways to remove hair. Fortunately, laser hair removal is a safe and effective long-term solution for getting rid of unwanted hairs on nearly any part of the body. If you plan on receiving laser hair removal treatments soon, here are a few do’s and don’ts on the aftercare.


Treat discomfort.

A common side effect of laser hair removal is increased sensitivity, some redness, and discomfort. Luckily, there are many ways to treat this discomfort, making recovery easier. Taking Tylenol and applying aloe vera and cool towels to the treated area are the best ways to ease any post-treatment discomfort. 

Exfoliate after treatment.

laser hair removalExfoliating your skin after treatment helps reduce the risk of developing ingrown hairs in the treated areas. Gently exfoliate using a loofah or other soft tool a couple of times a week for smooth, beautiful skin. 


Have additional treatments shortly after.

Your skin needs time to heal after each treatment. That’s why it’s important to wait at least two weeks after your last treatment before getting any chemical peels or additional laser hair removals. Getting them too soon can irritate and damage the skin.

Stay in the sun.

Your skin will still be quite sensitive following the treatment. Therefore, for one week after the treatment, it’s important to avoid being in the sun for very long. When you go out, make sure to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen, with a sun protection factor of at least 30, between each treatment and as a part of your long-term skin maintenance for healthier skin.


If you would like smooth, hair-free skin, turn to the professionals at Emerald City Medical Arts for laser hair removal and other medical treatments. They pride themselves on offering the personalized care for each patient and offer a wide variety of services at this family clinic, such as a medical spa and laser genesis. For more information on their services, visit their website, or call (206) 281-1616 to schedule an appointment. 