
Summer is in full swing, and while you’re protecting your skin from the sun, don’t forget to protect your eyes, too. Good eye health is a big part of your quality of life, and neglecting it can result in permanent damage. That’s why picking the right eyewear for this summer is important. Here are five tips on protecting your eyes this summer.

5 Ways to Protect Your Eyes This Summer

1. Wear Sunglasses with UV Protection

When checking out the eyewear selection, look for sunglasses that provide 100% protection from both UVA and UVB rays. This protects your eyes from serious sun damage, which can prevent serious eye conditions, such as skin cancer on your eyelids and photo conjunctivitis — also known as “snow blindness.”

2. Use Eye Protection

eyewearWearing goggles or protective eyewear can prevent chemicals and particles, and foreign objects from entering your eyes and causing damage. Goggles not only protect your eyes from irritating chlorine, but they also keep out germs and contaminants in the water, saving you from eye infections. Protective eyewear, such as helmets and masks, while enjoying outdoor activities can prevent eye injuries from foreign objects.

3. Wear a Hat

Hats offer your eyes extra protection from the sun’s damaging UV rays, as well as the areas around your face, such as your scalp and forehead. This prevents sunburns and helps lower your chances of developing skin cancer in those areas.

4. Don’t Swim While Wearing Contacts

It’s easy to forget you’re wearing contact lenses, but wearing them while swimming increases your risks of developing an eye infection. Your eyes are more likely to become irritated while wearing contacts, making you more susceptible to infections. Remove them every time you get in the water with clean, dry hands, and store them in a proper case to prevent an eye infection.

5. Don’t Touch Your Eyes

Summer pollen may irritate your eyes, but resist the urge to rub them with your hands. Touching your eyes exposes them to germs, and puts you at risk for developing pink eye. Wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face or eyes to prevent infections.


Whether you think you might have hurt your eye this summer, or you’re behind on your eye exams, turn to Dr. Ron Sealock for trusted eye care in Dothan, AL. This experienced eye doctor offers a wide variety of services, such as glaucoma screenings and treatment of many eye conditions, and has an extensive range of eyewear options. For more information, visit his website, or give his office a call at (334) 793-9607 to schedule an appointment.