
Your home’s garage is one of the biggest entry points for burglars to get into your house, but there are some simple measures you can take to keep yourself protected. In addition to closing the garage door, follow these five steps to prevent future break-ins.

5 Steps to Protect Your Garage

1. Install a Timer

While you likely close the garage door every time you leave the house, there are instances where you forget. This increases the risk of a break-in. Installing a timer prevents this unfortunate accident from becoming an issue. Simply assign a time so the device shuts the door automatically for you, keeping your home safe even in those cases of absent-mindedness.

2. Light It Up

Replacing your current fixtures with motion-sensing lights is an efficient way to increase your garage’s security. It’s an effective deterrent because it’ll light up your driveway when burglars try to break-in, which will likely scare them off.

3. Keep the Garage Door Opener With You

garage doorsIt’s convenient to leave the door opener in your car, but it also makes you more susceptible to experience a break-in. Instead, replace your normal opener with a more portable keychain version. That way, you’ll always have it with you, and it won’t fall into the wrong hands.

4. Cover Your Windows

People are much more likely to break into your garage if they can see valuables through the windows. Cover them up with dark blinds and keep people from peeping in by using frosted spray paint on all the windows.

5. Reinforce the Service Door

The garage door isn’t the only way for burglars to get in. It can be much easier to break into a garage through the service door if it’s not properly reinforced. By adding a lock reinforcer and a heavy-duty strike plate and anchoring your hinges to the frame, you can better protect your garage from break-ins.


Ensure your home is protected from break-ins by calling the professionals at Garage Door Service: Paul Holscher, Mike Panaro in Cincinnati, OH. For over three decades, they’ve been installing and maintaining garage doors for residential and commercial property owners within a 50-mile radius. This family-operated business is dedicated to restoring equipment performance with quality products and the latest industry techniques. Their comprehensive tune-up and repair services will ensure that your garage is safe and secure from intrusion. Call (513) 347-3000 for more information, or visit their website to explore their services.
