
If you’ve been looking at properties and haven’t found one that fits your needs, consider building a custom home. It’s an exciting, yet intensive project where you’ll get to choose the size, layout, and amenities. Before you start building, it’s essential to find a location that works for the structure and your budget. Below are a few ways to pick the right spot. 

How to Choose a Place for a New House

1. Look at the Neighborhood

Do you prefer the city, the suburbs, or the countryside? Before putting down roots, think about the area you enjoy the most. If you’re trying to get away from the crowds, then look outside urban areas. Are you planning to have children? You’ll want a location that has a good school district. The commute to work is a significant factor for many people, as well. Make sure the place you settle down in offers flexibility for both you and your children. 

2. Examine the Natural Features

custom homeMany homeowners look for ample natural light, whether they’re buying or building a new house. If you’re planning to build, consider the lot’s location and whether it gets enough sunlight during the day. The right configuration can also help you lower electrical expenses. 

The slope of the property can drastically increase the price of a custom home. If you want a place on a steep ridge, prepare to spend more compared to building on a flat piece of land. This is because building on a slope increases the risk, time, and materials needed for a sturdy structure.

3. Think About Friends & Family

While some people put a focus on living near friends and family, others are willing to compromise in favor of other amenities. Think about fitting into your new neighborhood as well. Do you want to be friendly with your neighbors? Find a place that has a welcoming atmosphere and the chance to interact with them regularly. If you prefer privacy, then an area where the houses are more spread out will be ideal.


Have you found the perfect location for your custom home? The expert team at Kirchner Custom Builders in La Crosse, WI, will help make your dream house a reality. For 18 years, they have created gorgeous, unique properties for residents in the area. If you’re ready to get started on building a place that fits your style and budget, call (608) 782-3087. Visit their website to learn more about their residential projects. 
