
When it comes to proper tree care, most people think about watering their landscaping and the occasional trimming. Another important task people need to undertake, particularly in Alaska, is protecting trees from dangerous bark beetles.

Why Bark Beetle Tree Care Is Important

While a large variety of bark beetles target different types of trees, the damage they cause is much the same. Typically, they go after larger, weaker trees, which are less likely to be able to defend themselves against infestation.

When the beetles find an ideal target, they burrow their way through the exterior of the tree to feast on the inner layers of bark, creating a tunnel system that spans much of the tree. Breaking down the interior of the tree hurts its ability to transport nutrients, ultimately resulting in death. Bark beetles also live within the tree and use it as a breeding ground where the females lay their eggs.

How to Spot Bark Beetle Infestations

Tree CareAs part of a regular tree care routine, inspect the bark for small white or reddish-brown pitch tubes, typically accompanied by a sawdust-like substance, as well as flaking and holes. Look out for changes to the leaves or needles as well. The pines of infested conifer trees turn a reddish-brown color, usually starting at the top and working its way down. Other trees will lose their greenery; their leaves will brown more the longer the infestation lasts.


If you think your trees are infested with bark beetles, schedule professional tree care with the arborists at Carlos Tree Service in Anchorage, AK. For more than 15 years, their team of experts has provided a variety of environmentally friendly tree services, from pruning to stump removal, to ensure the landscape remains healthy. Schedule an appointment by calling (907) 522-6049, or learn more about their services online.