
Staying hydrated throughout the day is important, and many people turn to sparkling water to get their fill. It may seem harmless, but it is worse for your oral health than standard water. It’s crucial to recognize if you’re harming your teeth and identify signs of decay and erosion. Making dietary adjustments and seeing your dentist will ensure you support your oral health.

Sparkling Water and Oral Health

What Is Sparkling Water?

dentist-pure-dental-careSparkling water is a carbonated beverage many people enjoy as an alternative to soda, sugary juices, and plain water. It’s exposed to carbon dioxide gas to achieve its signature fizz. Salt is sometimes added to enhance taste, and many waters are drawn from mineral springs, meaning they contain sulfur and other nutrients. Some are also infused with artificial flavoring.

Is It Bad?

The chemical reaction of water and carbon dioxide creates carbonic acid. While only slightly acidic, it can contribute to enamel erosion. The greatest problems arise when sparkling water contains sugary flavorings. Sugar fuels decay-causing bacteria; they convert it into powerful acids and then erode enamel, leading to cavities and root canal infections. Carbonic acid is only slightly acidic, so drinking straight sparkling water won’t have as much of a consequence as sugary options.

Enamel Erosion & Prevention

It’s important to recognize signs of enamel erosion so you can make changes and alert your dentist. Teeth may appear discolored, exposing the dentin layer, and the edges of your teeth can look transparent. You may experience heightened tooth sensitivity as well. You can prevent enamel erosion by avoiding sugary and acidic foods and drinks and by using remineralizing dental care products recommended by your dentist. These will also prevent decay, gum disease, and many other oral health issues.


If you have concerns about enamel erosion and your oral health, a dentist at Pure Dental Care can help. Located in Manhattan, they provide comprehensive dental care services, including cosmetic dentistry enhancements. Their team puts an emphasis on patient comfort and will work closely with you to ensure you maintain a healthy smile. Call (212) 256-1292 to schedule an exam and visit their website to explore the practice further.
