
Straight teeth will improve your smile and boost your self-esteem. But dentists often cite a number of significant oral health benefits that also come with straighter teeth—benefits that can have positive long-ranging effects on your teeth and gums. Below, a few of these advantages are discussed in more detail.

How Straight Teeth Benefit Your Oral Health

1. They're Easier to Clean

Crooked teeth can be awkward and difficult to brush, and effectively flossing between them can be all but impossible. When a person is unable to brush or floss properly, plaque and bacteria build up on the teeth, leading to cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. But when teeth are in better alignment, it is easier to access and brush all tooth surfaces and effortlessly floss the straighter spaces between them.

2. They Won't Endure as Much Wear & Tear

dentistCrooked teeth exert additional stress and pressure on the teeth above or below them. Over time, this results in substantial wear and tear that can cause the teeth to break, chip, or slowly wear away. It can also erode the enamel surface of the teeth and expose the dentin underneath, which often produces extreme sensitivity and discomfort. Straight teeth make for a more uniform bite, in which pressure is evenly distributed throughout the teeth and mouth.

3. They Improve Gum Health

Dentists estimate that half of all Americans have gum disease to some extent. Straightening your teeth is one way to prevent periodontal disease and improve the overall health of the gums. Crooked teeth don't fit properly within the gums, and the uneven spaces between them can expose, inflame, and irritate sensitive gum tissue. Gum disease can also cause tooth and bone loss in the mouth.


To explore your options for teeth straightening, consult your dentist. Dr. David K. Skeels provides dentistry services to patients throughout the Monroe County, NY, area. From preventative care to specialized procedures like orthodontics, root canals, and dental implants, Dr. Skeels and his team provide comprehensive oral health treatments. They will help you identify the best solutions to improve your smile. Call (585) 467-7000 or visit them online to make an appointment with a dentist today.
