
Though roof leaks may not seem like major issues at first, they can cause extensive and costly damages, especially when left unattended for long periods. Learn how to spot a leak, recognize potential issues, and prevent additional problems. Here are a handful of common hazards that result from roofing leaks.

4 Types of Damage Caused by Roofing Leaks

1. Poor Insulation

Rook leaks cause the insulation in your walls and attic to deteriorate over time. This means the house will be less protected from the elements, resulting in heat loss and drafts in the winter and loss of cool air in the summer. You might even observe increased monthly utility bills as a result.

2. Structural Issues

Roofing leaks weaken the structural components of your home. For instance, the rafters, joists, and framing may warp and rot, increasing the likelihood of a roof collapse, which can cause serious injury and property damage.

3. Stains, Mold, & Mildew

roofingMold tends to grow in moist and dark environments, which is why buildups in the walls and attic are common results of roof leaks — not to mention unsightly stains. If these harmful spores make their way into your HVAC system, you may experience allergy issues, asthma flareups, and serious upper respiratory illnesses.

4. Fire & Fall Hazards

Leaks in the roof sometimes result in electrical wiring shorts, creating the possibility for house fires or electrocution. When water pools on the floor, most commonly in the basement, residents become more likely to slip and become injured while navigating the property.


Keep your home safe and protected after roofing leaks by scheduling repairs with All Tite Roofing. For over a decade, these contractors have provided reliable replacement and repair services to commercial and residential clients throughout Elizabethtown, KY. Call (270) 307-5366 to request an estimate and schedule an appointment for repairs. Visit them online to learn more about roofing material options.
