
Taking care of your gums is crucial to a healthy smile, and it’s often an overlooked part of home dental care. Gum disease, trauma, and other pressing issues can lead to gum infections, and worse, tooth loss. It’s essential to focus on gum care between visits to your dentist, and creating a daily regimen will ensure you maintain a healthy mouth.

3 Tips for Healthy Gums

1. Brush Everything

When you brush, don’t focus solely on your teeth. Plaque can build up along your gum line, leading to gingivitis, and eventually gum disease if it forms below the gum line. Make sure you brush around the gum line and also brush your gums to remove debris and bacteria. Brush every surface lightly for the best results. Don’t forget your tongue; it’s often home to countless bacteria that can cause bad breath and transfer to your gums. Use a soft to medium bristled toothbrush to ensure that your gums aren’t irritated or begin to bleed.

2. Floss

dentist-susan-kleier-dmdFlossing is perhaps the most crucial part of dental care that most people don’t do regularly. Plaque also forms between teeth and along the gum line, which can lead to gum disease and decay. Flossing removes this buildup, along with problematic food particles and debris that may irritate your gums. If traditional floss is cumbersome, try floss picks or a water-jet flosser that can be recommended by your dentist.

3. Eat Gum-Friendly Foods

Healthy gums require a steady stream of nutrients, so adjust your diet. Include plenty of dark, leafy greens that contain fiber, and vitamin C. Apples naturally scrub plaque from your gum line while you chew, and sugar-free chewing gum will stimulate saliva production and wash bacteria from your gums throughout the day. Onions, which are naturally microbial, will kill bacteria, and the casein in dairy will neutralize the acids from decay-causing bacteria. Changing your diet can eliminate many issues, and many gum healthy foods are already a part of a standard diet.


For genuinely healthy gums, you need to visit the dentist twice a year. Susan Kleier, DMD, of Lexington, KY, provides comprehensive teeth cleaning services, as well as pediatric and cosmetic dentistry services. She’s treated patients for over 25 years, and you can explore her services, including teeth whitening, on her website. Follow her on Facebook for more dental care tips and call (859) 225-1188 to schedule an oral exam.
