
Whether going away for a long weekend or the entire summer, you want to ensure the safety of the home and valuables you leave behind. Fortunately, homeowners insurance offers protection when you're away. Below are a few ways this coverage benefits you—and allows for a more enjoyable vacation.

Why Vacationers Need Homeowners Insurance

1. Break-Ins

When a home is left empty for any extended period of time, it can be a potential target for thieves. They could take expensive items like electronics or antiques, or they could destroy or vandalize parts of the home. Homeowners insurance typically covers these acts up to a specific amount. If you have some extremely valuable possessions, such as jewelry, artwork, or collectibles, additional policies on each of these items will give you more enhanced coverage.

2. Extreme Weather Events

homeowners insuranceTornados, hailstorms, flooding, and high winds can all strike while you're away on vacation. House insurance will help you remedy any damage and get the home back to its previous condition. If you live in an area prone to flooding, securing an additional flood policy is often wise as it will provide further financial resources once the original policy has reached its payout limit.

3. Liability

Homeowners insurance also offers a certain amount of liability protection if someone is injured on your property. For instance, a vacationer might trust their home to a house-sitter. If that sitter becomes injured because of a specific condition on the property, such as a faulty railing or a loose floor tile, the homeowner could be held legally liable. Home insurance usually covers some extent of personal liability, but be sure to discuss the matter thoroughly with your agent before allowing someone to stay in your home. 


Area Wide Insurance Agency provides homeowners insurance to the Northeast Texas area. With more than three decades of experience, they have the protection solutions you need; along with homeowners policies, they also sell auto, life, renters, and liability coverage. Call (903) 897-5651 or visit them online to schedule an appointment with an agent.
