
Hard water is caused by high mineral content. While it may be tricky to spot initially, you might notice some signs if you take a closer look. The following are some common indications of hard water in your home. If you notice any of these signs, it may be time to install a water softener.

4 Signs Your Home Has Hard Water

1. Soap Scum

When hard water evaporates, it leaves a residue of calcium on your shower, tub, and sinks. This scum can be difficult to control, so you might find yourself cleaning constantly. It can also attract bacterial growth if left unaddressed. You can eliminate these spots by installing a water softener and removing the scum-causing minerals from your home.

2. Strange Smell or Taste

While there are many causes for changes in water smell or taste, hard water could be a factor. This is particularly true if the water tastes or smells metallic. However, be sure to have your water tested if you smell a foul odor or notice a strange color. These could also be signs of bacterial or algae growth.

water softener3. Skin Irritation

If you notice that your family is experiencing dry and itchy skin, your hard water could be to blame. Mineral residue from your shower and washing machine can cause irritation or a feeling of residue on your skin. You might also notice dryness in your hair. A water softener can keep your laundry and hygiene routine more comfortable.

4. Spots on Dishes

Hard water can make it difficult to thoroughly clean your dishes. The mineral content mixes with your dish soap and leaves spots on the dishware, which can be especially visible on glass. This likely happens when using your dishwasher and after hand-washing.


If you notice signs of hard water in your home, the team at McAleer Water Conditioning, Inc. can install a water softener and ensure your family’s comfort. This company has been serving residents in Eastern Iowa since 1976. The team offers water softening and filtration systems to fit your home water needs. To view a full list of their products and services, visit them online today. You can also call (800) 397-1995 to schedule service.
