
If your household relies on a septic system to dispose of waste, you’re responsible for making sure it stays in working condition. Proper septic tank maintenance can lengthen the lifespan of your system, reduce repair costs, and help you avoid breakdowns. Therefore, you must understand how to take proper care of your equipment. To help you do this, here are a few best practices to keep in mind.


Conserve water.

Excessive water use can overload a septic system and cause it to fail. For this reason, it’s essential to closely monitor how much water you’re consuming. You can practice conservation by installing high-efficiency toilets and low-flow fixtures, running only full loads in the washing machine and dishwasher, and repairing plumbing leaks right away.

Schedule regular inspections & pumping.septic tank maintenance

It’s recommended that your system be inspected once a year to ensure it’s operating smoothly and efficiently. This will also allow your septic tank maintenance professional to detect issues early on so they can be repaired before they affect your family. Additionally, your septic tank should be pumped every three to five years, depending on its size and how many people use the unit. 


Flush anything but waste & toilet paper.

Many homeowners make the mistake of using their toilets as trash cans. This can result in clogs or cause tanks to fill up too quickly, putting homes at risk for sewage backups. To prevent this, avoid flushing items like feminine hygiene products and baby wipes. You should never use chemical cleaners to get rid of a clog, as these can damage your piping and kill the bacteria in your tank, compromising its function. 

Drive or plant over the drain field. 

Never drive or park heavy machinery over your drain field. Doing so could compact the soil, which will crush the piping or tank underneath it. You also want to be careful not to plant anything aside from grass in this area, as tree and plant roots can grow into your drain field and cause damage.


For help keeping your septic system operating smoothly, turn to Holler Drilling & Plumbing. They have provided homeowners throughout La Crosse County, WI, with reliable and affordable septic tank maintenance for over 40 years. They also perform work on water wells and pumps. Visit them online to learn more about the services they offer or call (608) 781-2342 to request a free estimate.
