
Before modern home insulation existed, ancient civilizations had to be resourceful and inventive. Using natural materials and other available sources, these early civilizations were able to effectively cool their homes. To provide insight into the origins of home insulation and how it has evolved over time, here’s a brief history.

Insulation in Ancient Societies

Egyptians and Vikings used mud to insulate their homes due to its ability to cool down structures. Egyptians built their homes from mud bricks, whereas Vikings used mud as a bonding adhesive in between the wooden logs of their home structures.

Ancient Greeks first used asbestos, which was flame-resistant and could withstand high heat. Later, asbestos gained tremendous popularity during the Industrial Revolution. Typically, it was used to wrap steam pipes and prevent overheating to protect industrial workers.

In the 1930s, fiberglass was accidentally invented as a result of high pressured air that inadvertently turned glass into thin fibers. Later, cellulose, made from a combination of newspaper, cardboard, straw, sawdust, and/or cotton, became the go-to insulation method.

Modern Day Insulation

home insulationToday, there is a range of insulation styles; each has a specific place and application in the home. Attic insulation is one of the most popular types and is available in various thicknesses. Since heat rises, your attic will take the brunt of sunlight and its radiating heat. Attic insulation is unbonded, non-combustible, and moisture-resistant, preventing your home from overheating.  

Batt insulation is a mold- and mildew-resistant product that’s used in between exterior wall studs to provide thermal resistance. Basement wall insulation is placed within the concrete walls of your home’s foundation. For thermal resistance, basement wall insulation comes with a puncture-resistant thermal covering made from polypropylene.

Spray foam insulation offers the most versatility, as it can be sprayed in attics and crawl spaces, floors, basement joint pockets, and around pipes and wires. It expands up to 100 times its original state to fill in hard-to-reach spaces.


If you’re looking to update your home insulation, look no further than Priority 1 Construction Service in Cincinnati, OH. This reputable and reliable insulation contractor offers custom solutions for everything from home insulation and asbestos removal to fireproofing and mold abatement. With over 20 years of industry experience and a commitment to quality service, their project managers are equipped to handle jobs of all sizes and magnitudes. For an estimate, give them a call today at (513) 922-0203 or visit them online for more information.
