
Real estate is a wonderful investment. You can watch your wealth grow, even as it provides you a place to live. However, if you wish to buy a house, be aware that you must eventually furnish it. After the down payment, the closing costs, and the home inspection, you may not have a great deal of money left to do so. Here are some tips on how to buy furniture for your first real estate purchase. 

3 Tips for Furnishing Your First House

1. Understand What You Need

Take a tour through your new home and make a list of what you need to buy. Walk room to room, decide what you wish to do with it, and write down what types of furniture you need. For instance, will you need a table and chairs set for the dining room, or do you intend to eat meals in the kitchen and turn the dining area into a den? By making a list of what you want, you have an idea of how much you'll need to start saving.

2. Prioritize Purchases 

Real estate Because you may not have enough ready cash to furnish the entire house, you should prioritize the pieces you need to buy first. It's not a good idea to go into deep consumer debt, so buy what you can afford now and add pieces each month as you can set aside amounts for furniture. Most people start by furnishing the living room and office. If you have multiple bedrooms but no children, you can purchase new pieces as you have kids. If you anticipate overnight guests, you can buy an adult bed and dresser to accommodate loved ones as soon as you can afford it. 

3. Consider Pre-Owned Furniture

You can often find great deals on quality furniture if you buy from a thrift or secondhand store.  Unfortunately, these often don't come in sets, so you'll have to choose items that match. This isn't difficult if you design rooms around a color scheme and choose items that share a similar style, texture, and wood grain. On the other hand, some folks enjoy an eclectic look and feel comfortable choosing high-quality, durable pieces that provide visual interest—whether they match other furniture or not. 

If you're looking to make your first home purchase, contact EXIT Realty Nexus, a group of experienced real estate agents in Coon Rapids, MN. They serve clients throughout the Greater Minneapolis region and offer numerous tools to make it easy to find and buy a house. Call them at (763) 548-1400 for help from a friendly, helpful agent, or visit their website to view current property listings for local real estate.
