
Whether you’ve been working out for years or are thinking about starting a new fitness regimen for the first time, CrossFit® is a smart choice. This popular program pushes people to work harder and smarter to get unparalleled results. Here’s more information to help you decide if this is a training program you want to try.

The CrossFit Difference

A Group Approach

CrossFit is a group fitness program, and classes are led by an instructor. Members of the class work together to achieve the target goal for the day. The camaraderie of working together will motivate the group, pushing participants to work harder than they would during an individual exercise.

Constant Variety

crossfitVariety prevents people from getting bored with their fitness regimen. Fortunately, these classes are never the same, and participants learn new exercises and use them in a different order each time they workout. Variety also keeps the body guessing, so your results won’t plateau as you get used the exercise regime.

Tough Challenges

These classes are designed to target every muscle group and maximize the workout by engaging multiple muscles at once. You’ll mix cardiovascular, flexibility, and strength training for a well-rounded workout. As a result, your body will become stronger faster while achieving your weight loss or gain goals.

CrossFit utilizes high-intensity power training, so participants will repeatedly perform at maximum capacity, then take a short break. As you continue this regimen, your ability to sustain exercise at a high intensity is increased.


A state-of-the-art fitness center will give you an environment to excel in your CrossFit classes. The Club Maui hosts CrossFit classes in a dedicated gym with high-quality equipment and experienced instructors in Wailuku, HI. Committed to helping their members succeed, they also offer IV hydration to boost recovery after a workout. Take a virtual tour of their facilities online, or call (808) 633-1765 to inquire about enrollment.
