
Wisdom teeth removal is a dental milestone for many people associated with becoming a young adult since it usually occurs in the late teens. However, not everyone needs to undergo the procedure. Find out if your child will need to in the guide below.

Recommended Age for Removal

Third molars will erupt between the ages of 17 and 21, so it’s best to schedule an exam at 17 to let your child’s dentist determine if the wisdom teeth need to come out. Some people can live with their extra molars and experience no side effects, though many others need to have them extracted.

When It’s Necessary

When third molars emerge, there often isn’t enough space for them to fit in the mouth. To make room, they’ll shift other teeth, come in at odd angles, or only partially erupt, which can lead to alignment problems, cheek and tongue lacerations, or open wounds that can become infected.

wisdom-teeth-helmbrecht-dentalIn some cases, wisdom teeth need to come out right away. They can become impacted in the jaw, often leading to or accompanied by infection or a cyst, which may also damage the teeth roots. Partially emerged teeth can collect bacteria, leading to gum disease, and early signs of crowding will affect alignment. If your child experiences pain or increased tooth decay in the area, schedule an immediate extraction. Decay and infections can lead to tooth loss, while shifting may impact speech, eating, and swallowing.


If it’s time for your child’s wisdom teeth to come out, bring them to Helmbrecht Dental in Fairbanks, AK. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Helmbrecht offers a variety of services, ranging from general care to restorative and cosmetic dentistry. The dental care practice accepts all major insurance plans and provides convenient payment options and financing to ensure all patients receive the care they need. Visit their website to learn more about their services, and call (907) 456-1237 to schedule an exam.
