
After a night of drinking, it’s never smart to get into the driver’s seat and take yourself or others home. However, this is unfortunately a common occurrence and a main cause of car accidents and lawsuits that result in the need for an attorney. Before you hop into a vehicle after a heavy night of libations, remember these common misconceptions about this offense so you can save yourself and others from a fatal crash.

What Are the Most Common Misconceptions About OWIs/DUIs?

1. Vodka Doesn’t Smell

While vodka is colorless and doesn’t have the same strong smells of beer or whiskey, it doesn’t mean you’re safe from a charge. The law isn’t solely based on whether a driver smells like alcohol. If a police officer sees that you aren’t driving properly, your balance is off, and you’re slurring words and sentences, you will be arrested.

2. A Penny in Your Mouth Will Affect a Breathalyzer Test

attorneyThere’s a long-standing myth that sucking on a penny during a breathalyzer test will cause inaccurate results and errors, but there is no scientific evidence to support this. Plus, you’ll only cause issues with the police officer when they check your mouth as part of the breathalyzer test and find a penny. You could even end up looking guilty to the jury since it may seem like you were trying to conceal the evidence of drinking.

3. DUIs Aren’t a Serious Offense

This couldn't be further from the truth. As a driver, you should never underestimate the seriousness of a DUI and how it can affect your life going forward, even for a first-time offense. From fines and attorney fees to a suspended license, the consequences can be severe. Even afterward, you’ll have to worry about factors like the DUI going on your driving record and the possibility of higher insurance costs that stem from being considered a high-risk driver. Above all else, by driving under the influence, you risk the safety of yourself and others on the road.


A DUI is a serious offense that leads to severe consequences. Before you decide to drink and drive, know the facts and understand the repercussions. If you need an attorney experienced in OWIs/DUIs in Platteville, WI, reach out to Scott & Heenan LLC. Since 1999, these attorneys have proudly represented clients throughout Grant County in areas including criminal defense, personal injury, and estate planning. To schedule a consultation, call (608) 348-9506. Learn more about their practice areas online.
