
Moving to a new apartment complex can be exciting, but changing your address isn’t always hassle-free. The number of businesses and individuals that you have to notify may seem overwhelming and leave you wondering where to start. Simplify the process and ensure that all notifications get made by following this useful checklist.

4 Tips for Changing Your Address

1. Start With the Post Office

Since all of your regular mail goes through the post office, it’s one of the best places to begin. Fill out a change-of-address card online at least a week before move-in day, and they’ll log it into their system. By filing a change-of-address card with the post office, all your mail will be forwarded from your old to your new address for 12 months.

2. Notify Your Utility Companies

apartment complexThe next step is to alert your utility companies. Supply customer service with your move-in date, and let them know that you’ll be canceling service at your old address. If the same utilities serve your new apartment complex, then an account transfer is easy. Otherwise, find out who provides utilities to your new address and arrange to have service start at your new residence.

3. Alter Online Account Information

Updating your online accounts should be the next thing on your list. Reach out to your bank, phone, Internet, and insurance providers to let them know when your move is taking place.

4. Email Family & Friends

The final step is to let family and friends know that you’re relocating. Although you could send a change-of-address card to each of your contacts, the easiest way is to notify everyone in your address book with a mass e-mail message.


If you’re in the market for a new place to live, check out Ashton Park Apartments in Lexington, KY. This fresh, new apartment complex features both one-bedroom and two-bedroom apartments. They each list at competitive prices and include the latest amenities, such as washer and dryer, walk-in closets, central air conditioning, and a balcony or patio. Learn more about their apartment rentals and floor plans by visiting their website, or call (859) 389-6000 to schedule an appointment to tour one of their models.
