
As you’re enjoying the sunshine this summer, prioritize your health. Heatstroke can be a dangerous possibility on hot days. Learn to spot and prevent this common summer illness in the guide below.

What Are the Symptoms of Heatstroke?

Heatstroke occurs when your body overheats, often when participating in physical activity. Symptoms include a body temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, rapid breathing and heart rate, headache, nausea or vomiting, and changes in behavior. Those with heatstroke may appear confused, slur their speech, become irritated, or have seizures. They may also become unconscious. 

Who Is Most at Risk?

illnessAging individuals and people with chronic illnesses may be more at risk for heatstroke. However, this condition can occur in anyone participating in strenuous activity or not drinking enough water. Alcohol consumption can also put individuals at greater risk of heatstroke. Heatstroke may be more common in humidity since it hinders the body’s natural cooling abilities. 

What Should You Do If Someone Has Heatstroke? 

If someone shows the symptoms of heatstroke, call 911 or bring them to the closest emergency room. While waiting for help, bring the individual inside or into the shade. You can apply ice packs or cold cloths to their armpits, neck, back, and groin area. It can also help to place them in a cold bath or shower. Not taking measures when someone experiences heatstroke can lead to organ damage or even death. 

How Can You Prevent Heatstroke?

To prevent this illness, do everything you can to stay cool on hot days. Wear lightweight clothing, and drink plenty of water. When playing a strenuous sport, a beverage with electrolytes can help replenish salt levels. Take breaks to cool off in the shade or a pool. If the temperatures are too hot to safely participate in an event or activity, reschedule. 


To manage your health all summer long, the team at Kona-Kohala Health Care Services is available for your family’s wellness needs. Located in Kailua-Kona, HI, Dr. Donald Nikaitani and Dr. Richard Pekala prevent, diagnose, and treat illness for patients of all ages. Whether you’re managing a chronic illness or require routine blood work, they’ll curate testing and services to fit your needs in a stress-free office environment. To view a full list of their services and learn more about these physicians, visit them online. You can also call (808) 329-1346 to make an appointment.
