
As vacationers embark on their summer adventures, dental health isn’t always on their mind. However, prioritizing oral health will help you avoid issues like gum disease and cavities. Here are some oral hygiene tips to keep in mind while you’re vacationing. 

4 Ways to Prioritize Dental Health While Traveling

1. Store Your Toothbrush Properly

You might be in the habit of stashing your toothbrush in a case and forgetting about it. However, wet toothbrushes can be a magnet for bacteria. Let your brush air dry after you use it and clean the toothbrush case regularly. Also, use a toothbrush case that has holes to allow excess water to drain

2. Bring Floss Along

oral hygieneFloss is highly portable, so it’s easy to bring it along anywhere. Keep a small roll of floss in your bag or purse. If you need to quickly clean your teeth on the road or at the airport, you can floss them to clear out any food particles in a pinch. When flossing, use a gentle sawing motion. Avoid snapping the floss, as this can cause trauma. 

3. Brush With Bottled Water

If the water where you’re visiting isn’t safe to drink, it’s likely not safe to brush with. Keep bottled water on hand when you are camping or traveling in areas with non-potable tap water. You can also boil water to sanitize it before brushing. Doing so will keep bacteria out of your mouth, promoting oral hygiene. 

4. Chew Gum

It can be tricky to stay on top of oral hygiene while on the go. However, chewing sugar-free gum can be a quick fix on the go. Chew a piece after meals to remove food particles from the teeth. Also, chew one after eating sugary treats, as the sugar will stick to the gum instead of your teeth. 


When you need help maintaining your oral health, contact John P. Belbas, DDS in Livingston County, NY. The dentist and his staff will improve your oral hygiene before you leave for vacation. The team will cater to your individual needs. To view a full list of their services, visit them online. Call (585) 346-5220 to make an appointment. 
