
Trying to remodel a backyard isn’t easy, especially if you’re starting from scratch. If you’re looking for a new landscape design, turn your backyard into a beautiful oasis with native Hawaiian plants that will leave the space looking lush and vibrant. Consider the suggestions below and talk to a landscaper about adding these plants to your design.

Native Hawaiian Plants to Use for Landscaping

1. ‘Ilima Papa

Also known as Black Coral, this common shrub produces a beautiful yellow hibiscus, the official island flower of Oahu. Found along the coast, ‘ilima papa works well as a low hedge but also functions nicely as a specimen plant. If you want a colorful landscape design, plant it in complete sunlight to yield as many flowers as possible.

2. Naupaka Kahakai           

landscape designThis is one of the most widely used native plants for commercial and residential landscape design. Like the ‘ilima papa, naupaka kahakai is also best as a hedge or an accent, and it needs little watering once planted in the ground. The plant is green and leafy, complete with a soft white fruit and unique looking half-flower.

3. Gardenia Brighamii

At full bloom, this plant procures stunning white gardenia flowers that only exist at the end of its branches. It’s complete with glossy green leaves and grows up to 15 feet in the wild, but when cultivated, it’s less than 10 feet. This species is popular due to its scent, which has a hint of coconut oil. 


Equipped with an expert landscape design team to perform the best possible job for your property, AAA Plantscapes Hawaii has provided service to the Honolulu area for over 15 years. Whether you need your garden re-designed or are looking for interior landscaping for a home office, AAA Plantscapes Hawaii can tackle any job. Give them a call at (808) 753-6606 to schedule a consultation, or visit them online to see what they can do for your property.
