
Whether you’re just beginning a fitness regimen or are an experienced CrossFit athlete, choosing the right gym, or box, will have a significant impact on your experience with this program. You likely have a few options in your area, so learn about what to look for in a CrossFit box with the factors below.

What to Look for in a CrossFit Training Gym

1. The Coaches

The coaches are significant aspects of your experience with the class. You want to work with instructors who inspire you and genuinely care about you reaching your fitness goals. Pay attention to whether there are enough instructors to provide personal attention and guidance to each attendee. The coach should be energetic, involved, and inspiring.

2. The Community

CrossFit is about building a community through fitness. You’re choosing to join a family of like-minded people who are also passionate about their health. When you visit a box, notice if the members are enjoying their experience; if they’re friendly too, that’s a bonus. Overall, if you like the community, you’ll be happy there.

3. The Equipment

crossfitThere should be plenty of equipment for everyone to use, so you don’t need to wait for others to finish with it first. If there is a limited amount of certain equipment, the coach should arrange the CrossFit class so everyone rotates through using it without wasting time. As you look around the box, all the equipment should be neatly organized so it’s easy to find what you need.

4. Class Structure & Schedule

Ask about the structure, such as whether they have a routine schedule with different types of classes. For example, some gyms may have classes designed for different age groups or fitness levels. Their schedule should fit yours, so you’ll be able to attend the classes that fits your needs.

5. Cost

Naturally, everyone has a budget, and CrossFit will cost more than a chain gym where you work out individually. However, keep in mind that you’ll be coached by trained instructors in a class setting, and you’re likely to see better results than if you exercised by yourself. 


If you’re just getting started, sign up for specialized beginner workouts at CrossFit Hawaii. Open since 2008, their facility caters to beginners and people of all ages in Honolulu, HI. Their helpful and accomplished CrossFit coaches will teach you everything you need to know for a safe and rewarding workout. See their class schedule online, and call (808) 256-5665 to schedule a complimentary first class.
