
Removing a tooth is sometimes the best solution for resolving oral health issues. It can be an intimidating procedure at first, though it’s often necessary to protect the gums and surrounding teeth. Understanding what to expect from a tooth extraction can alleviate many concerns so you can go into the procedure confident and informed.

Your Guide to Tooth Extraction

Before the Procedure

Before the procedure, the dentist will numb the area around the surgical site. Once the gums and nerves have been numbed, they’ll clear any debris from the tooth or gums. If they need to make a more comprehensive surgical plan, they may perform X-rays prior to this. Your dentist understands that anxiety can be an issue, so ask about ways they can make the surgery more comfortable, including sedation dentistry.

The Procedure

If the tooth is impacted—something that often occurs with wisdom teeth—the dentist will first remove gum tissue that’s in the way. They’ll then clamp forceps onto the tooth and begin rocking it loose. Most patients report only feeling pressure in the extraction site. Once the tooth is freed from the jawbone, gum tissue, and ligaments, it can be comfortably slipped out of the socket. The dentist will then sew up the area with stitches and have you bite down on gauze to encourage clotting.


tooth extractionTooth extraction is an outpatient treatment, so you can go home once you’re finished. You may be woozy from the anesthetics or surgery, so it’s wise to have a friend drive you home—particularly if sedation was used. The dentist may prescribe painkillers and an antibiotic to help with healing. General recovery usually takes 24 hours, and you’ll want to stick with soft lukewarm foods so you don’t create discomfort. Avoid using straws and anything that causes a sucking sensation, as it may draw the blood clot from the wound and cause a painful dry socket. During the two-week healing period, keep your dentist updated on your progress.


Whether you need a tooth extraction or just a checkup, S. Jill Spurlin, DMD of Enterprise, AL, can fulfill all your oral health needs. Dr. Spurlin offers a variety of treatments, including cosmetic dentistry enhancements like dental implants, and makes preventive care a priority. She creates a personalized treatment plan for each patient and takes every step to ensure they’re comfortable. Call (334) 475-2624 to schedule an exam and visit her website to learn more about the practice.
