
Strabismus is a condition that causes the eyes to be misaligned. Not only can it lead to problems with vision, but it can also result in poor self-esteem and self-confidence if left untreated. The following information can help you prepare for a visit to the eye doctor to address this issue. 

FAQ About Strabismus 

What causes strabismus?

The muscles around your eyes are responsible for their movement. These muscles must work in conjunction to ensure eyes remain properly aligned. The brain must also correctly signal the muscles to move in conjunction. When there are issues with muscles themselves or the way the brain signals them, strabismus can occur. This condition is sometimes linked to certain disorders, such as Down syndrome and cerebral palsy. 

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of strabismus include eyes that are pointing in two different directions, problems with depth perception, squinting, eyes that can’t move in conjunction, asymmetrical reflections, and head tilting. While the disorder is easily self-diagnosable, an eye doctor can provide further detail on the specific type of strabismus. 

What happens if strabismus is left untreated?

eye doctorUntreated strabismus can lead to amblyopia or lazy eye. Conflicting images from each eye confuse the brain, which begins to ignore images coming from the affected eye to prevent double vision. This causes issues with the sharpness of vision, which underscores the importance of addressing strabismus as soon as possible. 

How do eye doctors treat this condition?

Fortunately, there are a variety of effective strabismus treatments available. Corrective lenses help the eye focus normally, while exercises can train the muscles controlling movement to work together. An eye patch can also be used, especially if lazy eye is an issue. In more serious cases, surgery may be recommended. 


If you notice signs of strabismus in your child, Daniel J. Kroger OD is here to help. As a trusted eye doctor in West Chester, OH, he can identify vision issues and offer an effective treatment solution. This clinic also treats common refractive errors using glasses and contacts, and their comprehensive eye exams can even uncover signs of eye diseases and conditions. Take advantage of their more than two decades of experience by calling (513) 777-3936 today. You can also visit their website to learn more about eye care services. 
