
Misuse and improper maintenance of your septic system can lead to inefficiency and costly problems down the line — including drain field failure. Learn about common mistakes often made by septic system owners and how you can avoid them.

Common Septic Tank Mistakes You Might Be Making

1. Flushing Items That Shouldn't Be Flushed

Only flush toilet paper and waste. Tampons, sanitary napkins, baby wipes, and disposable diapers should not be flushed. These products cannot be broken down in the natural environment of your septic tank and can cause clogs and damage to the system.

2. Using Your Garbage Disposal too Much

People put just about everything down their garbage disposals. However, too much solid waste like produce peels and scraps takes too long to decompose and can be problematic for your septic system. Eventually, they can build up, causing blockages.

3. Doing Loads of Laundry Back-to-Back

Septic systemDoing multiple rounds of laundry one after another can put a strain on your septic system. This is because the machine uses a lot of water to clean each load. Flooding your septic system with water from multiple loads of laundry puts excess strain on your tank. Spread out your wash cycles throughout the week, if possible. Also, always wash full loads to minimize water waste.

4. Pouring Grease Down the Drain

Never pour grease down the sink. Instead, dispose of it in your trash. Over time, grease can congeal in your pipes, causing clogs. Unfortunately, it can also build up in your septic tank and eventually block drain field lines.

5. Failing to Pump Your Tank Regularly

Your septic tank needs to be pumped approximately every three to five years, depending on your usage and its size. Don’t wait until you have a septic system issue to pump it. Regular maintenance can help avoid expensive problems in the future.


For all issues related to your septic system, you can't go wrong with S & S Pumping. This reliable, full-service septic contractor offers service in Branson, MO, and throughout the surrounding communities in the Ozarks area. They provide septic installation, septic maintenance, grease trap and oil bin services, flood water removal, troubleshooting, and inspection services. Call (417) 546-2390 to schedule an appointment or visit them online to learn more about their services.
