
If there’s one fact about the modern business world, it’s that data is the lifeblood of any company. Whether your data is stored on a single computer’s hard drive or in a dedicated room with row after row of servers, this data is invaluable to everyday operation. Unfortunately, unexpected situations such as a natural disaster or a hack can sweep in and quickly destroy those hard drives and servers. Getting back up and running as quickly as possible is crucial to the longevity of any business, and that’s why there should always be a recovery plan ready. Here are just some of the ways your business can prepare and respond to an emergency with the help of services such as managed data plans.

How a Business Can Plan & Recover From an Emergency 

1. Continually Back Up Data

Once your managed data plan is established, scheduling regular data backups is critical. When your data is backed up to the cloud or at a secure off-sight location, it remains safe even in the event of a disaster. If a flood wipes out your servers or if a hacker plants a damaging virus, you will have quick access to your information via your managed data provider.

2. Create an Emergency Call List

managed dataAnother important aspect of a business recovery plan is quick and efficient communication. Make a contact list of any clients, partners, suppliers, retailers, insurance representatives, and managed data services you’ll need to get in touch with immediately if a disaster occurs. This contact list should also be stored in multiple secure locations, including in cloud backup and offsite. 

3. Establish Employee Roles

In the event of an emergency, every employee should know what role they’re meant to take. From handling in-office logistics such as employee notifications and information to communicating with clients beginning the recovery process with your managed data service, these roles should be clearly established long before any disaster strikes. Running drills can also help prepare your employees for an unfortunately emergency event.


Prepare for an emergency with the help of an experienced managed data company such as Arena One. With more than a decade of experience in the industry, the staff has provided the best in cloud and data services throughout the United States, including in New York City, Texas, Chicago, and Los Angeles. From VoIP technology to exceptional business internet, the team puts a focus on delivering the best in customer satisfaction no matter the task at hand. Visit the website for more information on the services available or call (212) 231-9600 to speak with a friendly representative today.  
