
You rely on your residential well to supply your household with a steady stream of clean water. No one wants to turn on the faucet or shower to find that no water is leaving the tap. Below are a few of the most common reasons why your well is failing to supply water, as well as when it’s time to seek well repair

Why Your Well Isn’t Producing Water

1. Worn Pump

One of the most common causes of low or no water flow is a worn or faulty pump. Inspect the submersible pump for any signs of damage, such as holes or corrosion. These issues might cause water to leak out of the pump rather than move through the pipes into your home. There might also be an electrical issue that is preventing the pump from being powered; try resetting the circuit breaker. If this doesn’t work, hire a technician for well repair. 

2. Dry Well

well repairOver time, it’s possible for your well to run dry. This will cause the output of water to decrease and eventually cease. The best solution is to opt for well-deepening services, where a contractor re-drills your water well so you have access to more water. 

3. Low Pressure

Your pressure tank could also be the culprit behind the lack of water flow in your home. Inspect the pressure tank and pump in your system to ensure that the gauge reading is consistent with your home’s recommended pressure setting. Adjust the setting as necessary; if this doesn’t solve the issue, hire a technician for repair. 


When it’s time to schedule well repairs for your home, turn to the contractors at Mauldin Drilling LLC in Williamsburg, NM. For over 40 years, this locally owned and operated business has specialized in a variety of well services, including everything from drilling and installation to repair and maintenance for residential and commercial clients. Call (575) 894-3192 today to schedule an appointment for well repair with a technician. You can also visit their website for more information about their services.
