
Chiropractic care, or spinal manipulations geared toward promoting alignment within your body, is a common noninvasive treatment used on patients in need of chronic pain management. While working with chiropractors is often synonymous with treating neck and back pain, many patients also pursue this option to deal with headaches. If coping with headaches falls within your pain management needs, here’s some insight into how chiropractic care can help you. 

Understanding How Chiropractors Can Help With Headaches

What Causes Your Headaches?

Before embarking on prevention and treatment options, it’s important for any individual to try and determine what triggers headaches and migraines. The causes can vary from one person to another. With migraines, for example, symptoms can be triggered by stress, neck tension, low blood sugar, a lack of sleep, or physical exertion.

Pain ManagementMany headaches are caused by muscle tension, dehydration, digital eye strain, poor posture, alcohol or consuming foods high in nitrates.  By consulting with a physician and tracking your own behaviors, you can better understand the root cause of your discomfort and, ultimately, find a pain management process that works for you. 

How Can Chiropractic Care Help Manage Symptoms?

When treating an individual that suffers from headaches or migraines, a chiropractor will perform spinal manipulations geared toward relieving stress on your body. These adjustments can also help improve posture, alignment, and tension in your neck and back.

As a result, studies have found working with a chiropractor can be a promising form of pain management and prevention, depending on your triggers. In addition to manipulations geared toward alignment and tension release, your chiropractor can also recommend lifestyle changes to improve posture and general wellness, nutritional advice, and stretches and relaxation techniques to prevent and minimize your headaches going forward. 


If you’re based in Lorain County, OH, and you need help treating and preventing headaches and migraines, the dedicated team at Evergreen Pain Management & Rehabilitation Center can help. Conveniently located in Sheffield, this staff of chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists believe in offering individualized care to improve every patient’s quality of life. Call today at (440) 240-9111 to schedule an appointment and visit their website for more information on their pain management and rehabilitation services. 
