
Surveying services are an essential part of the land development process. They’re typically used to create land maps and establish boundaries when buying or selling a property. However, there are many different kinds of land surveys, each of which can be applied in different situations. Below are three of the most common types of land surveys and their uses.

Common Types of Land Surveying Services

1. Topographic Survey

Topographic surveying services identity specific features of a designated piece of land, such as buildings, natural elevations, rivers, streams, trees, and land contours. They’re frequently used by architects to plan property developments and are often required by state or local government agencies. Land surveyors ascertain this information using aerial photography and ground survey assessments.

2. Subdivision Mapping

surveying-servicesThe purpose of this surveying service is to divide a plot of land into several smaller lots by drawing up a plat map. Drawn to scale, a plat map shows the divisions of the land in question. It’s commonly used for housing development projects, as well as for designing streets and drainage systems. To become legally valid, the survey report must be reviewed by the appropriate governing agency, such as a zoning board or urban planning commission.

3. ALTA/ACSM Land Title Survey

One of the most comprehensive land surveying services, an ALTA/ACSM survey (so named because it meets the standards of the American Land Title Association and American Congress of Surveying and Mapping) provides information on every feature and characteristic of a plot of land. It provides details on things like property boundaries, encroachments, easement and encumbrances, land improvements, zoning classifications, and neighboring property owners. Due to this survey’s thoroughness, it’s often required by title insurance and lending companies.



Whether you need a land survey to purchase a new home or solve a property dispute, get in touch with the experts at Ferguson & Foss Professional Land Surveyors PC in Johnstown, NY. For nearly 15 years, this professional surveyor company has provided highly accurate residential and commercial property surveying services. Visit their website for more information, and call them at (518) 762-9997 today.
