
High blood sugar levels from diabetes cause a variety of health complications without proper management, including those affecting the eyes. In addition to blurry vision, cataracts, and glaucoma, the condition can cause diabetic retinopathy. This complication involves damaged blood vessels in the eyes, with symptoms often emerging in the later stages. Since blindness can result, routine screenings are key to managing symptoms. Here’s a closer look at this important process.

What Does a Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Involve?

The Examination

Diabetic retinopathy screenings typically start with the optometrist dilating your pupils with drops for a deeper look into the back of your eyes. It takes about 20 minutes for the pupils to dilate, and you may experience blurry vision for several hours after the exam, making it important to bring a friend or family member with you to the screening. Once your pupils are wide enough, the eye doctor uses a machine to photograph your retinas to look for abnormalities. It typically takes a few weeks to get your exam results.

diabetesIn addition to bringing a friend with you, wear your glasses to the screening so you don’t have to spend time taking contacts out. Bring sunglasses as well since light becomes brighter when your pupils are dilated. Writing down your diabetes history and listing any medications you currently take is also recommended.

Risk Factors

While anyone with diabetes can potentially develop this eye disease, several factors increase the risk. Poorly managed blood glucose makes you more susceptible to diabetic retinopathy, as do high protein levels in urine, high fat content in blood, and prolonged diabetes. High blood pressure also increases the risk because it puts more strain on the vessels in the eyes. 

Testing the blood and urine regularly, managing blood sugar levels, and scheduling annual screenings are the best options for preventing this diabetic eye complication. 


Schedule diabetic retinology screenings with Fairview Clinic, P.C., to help manage your diabetes. The Dothan, AL, practice has provided the highest-quality medical care for several decades and performs all health screenings, lab tests, and related services in-house. Call (334) 794-3192 today to set up an appointment or fill out a patient form online
