
Your automatic garage door keeps your home accessible but secure. As such, it’s important that you know how to maintain it so that it continues to open and close normally. The metal hinges and components can experience wear over time, resulting in friction that causes noise during operation. When this happens, lubricating the connections can ensure they run smoothly again. To help you care for your equipment, here’s a guide to lubricating your garage door parts.

How to Lubricate Your Automatic Garage Door

Products to Use 

Don’t confuse garage door lubricants with degreasing or rust-destroying products, which are meant for cleaning only. For best results, use a white lithium grease or silicone spray. Aerosols are particularly helpful for getting into small spots. Use protective goggles to prevent chemicals from irritating your eyes as you work.

Parts to Lubricate

automatic garage doorYou’ll need to apply lubricant to the moving parts of the door, including the springs, steel hinges, and metal rollers. If your rollers are made of vinyl, take care to lubricate the bearings only, since other materials could get damaged. For automatic garage doors that have locks, apply product to the keyhole so it doesn’t stick when you open it. 


First, clean the track by vacuuming and wiping it. Next, apply lubricant to all of your garage door’s metal components. Some units have metal parts that do not require lubrication, so check your owner’s manual to make sure you need this.

Use the product sparingly and distribute it so it’s lightly and evenly coating the parts. Don’t forget to lubricate the hinges, latches, and chains. During the process, go ahead and tighten any loose bolts and screws to minimize noise. 


If you encounter signs of damage when lubricating your automatic garage door or still hear noises, get in touch with Libby's Expert Door Installations in Millmont, PA. This locally owned and operated business provides garage door parts, sales, installations, and repairs. They offer prompt service and clean the area afterward to leave your home in top shape. Learn more about their maintenance offerings online or call (570) 922-1602 to get a quote.
