
For many women, the menstrual cycle is predictable and routine. Sometimes, however, periods deviate from their typical schedule. Aside from being an inconvenience, this can also indicate a larger health problem that you’ll need to discuss with an OB-GYN. Here’s what you should know about when to be concerned. 

An OB-GYN’s Guide to Abnormal Periods

What Are Irregular Period Symptoms?

A regular period is typically characterized by a 21- to 35-day cycle with bleeding that lasts between two to seven days. Irregularities can manifest in several ways. Oligomenorrhea is when your periods occur infrequently, or in a cycle that exceeds 35 days. Amenorrhea is when your menstrual cycle disappears altogether for more than three months. Menorrhagia, or bleeding heavily for more than a week, is another kind of variability. Extreme pain or nausea, unusually heavy or light flow, and spotting in between periods or after sex can also be worrisome.  

What Typically Causes Irregularities? 

OB-GYNThere are many potential causes of irregularities. Some are benign, while others may require further treatment: 

  • Medications: The menses can change as a side effect of new medications or changing forms of birth control. 
  • Hormone Imbalances: Hormone levels normally fluctuate depending on your age; puberty, pregnancy, and menopause can all trigger changes. Abnormal factors can create variances, too. Intense stress can trigger the release of cortisol, which may interfere with progesterone or estrogen levels. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), diabetes, and thyroid disorders can also cause the issue. 
  • Energy Deprivation: Eating too little or exercising too much can halt the ovulation process. Dramatic weight gain can also impact your periods. 

When Should an OB-GYN Be Seen? 

To be safe, it’s best to visit a gynecologist whenever you observe changes to your normal cycle. They’ll ask you questions about your lifestyle and perform diagnostic tests if necessary to determine and treat the root cause. They can also recommend strategies for reducing stress, minimizing unpleasant symptoms, or otherwise addressing the issue at home. 


For more information on these symptoms and conditions, consult OBGYN Associates, Inc. Their OB-GYN teams in Fairfield and West Chester have been serving the women in their communities for almost 80 years. They can diagnose underlying health issues that may be impacting your menstrual cycles, such as PCOS and hormonal disturbances. Call (513) 221-3800 to schedule an appointment or visit their website for more information on their gynecological services.
