
Everyone has a problem swallowing sometimes—and it usually doesn’t warrant concern. When it develops into a chronic issue, however, you or a family member may have a disorder with possible long term consequences for your health. While an ear, nose, and throat doctor is best equipped to explain this problem and its consequences, the guide below gives a general overview of this issue.

Understanding Swallowing Disorders

What Are They?

There are two types of swallowing disorders: dysphagia and odynophagia. The first gives patients the sensation of food or liquids being stuck in the chest, causing a person to cough or choke while swallowing. Odynophagia relates to throat or chest pain while swallowing. There are a number of causes, including nervous system disorders like Parkinson’s disease, head injuries, stroke, head, neck, or throat cancer, and complications with the esophagus and digestive system.


ear, nose, and throat doctorSwallowing disorders make it difficult to eat and drink, resulting in malnutrition and dehydration over time. Worse, they can lead to choking or pneumonia and lung infections. Visit an ear, nose, and throat doctor if you have difficulty chewing or swallowing, cough regularly during or after eating, have trouble preventing food or liquid from spilling out of your mouth, or frequently choke on your food.


Medication is often used for digestive-related complications, such as acid reflux. In other cases, a person may need to actively work to improve how they swallow. This may involve strengthening the muscles that facilitate chewing, changing one’s posture to make swallowing easier, or adjusting one’s diet towards softer foods. In the most serious cases, surgery may be recommended.


If you or a loved one has had problems swallowing, early treatment can make all the difference. Ear Nose & Throat Specialties PC has served patients in the Lincoln, NE, area since 1991. They also have a second location in Beatrice. Their knowledgable ear, nose, and throat doctors can assist with a wide range of issues—ranging from dysphagia and odynophagia to hearing loss and thyroid conditions—all while taking a patient-focused approach to care. Explore their full scope of treatments on their website. Then call (402) 488-5600 to schedule an appointment with an ear, nose, and throat doctor today.
