
Regular skin cancer exams allow for the detection of potential melanomas in the early stages, when treatment is easiest and most effective. How often you should get checked by a dermatologist depends on your personal profile. Those with a family history of skin cancer are more susceptible, for instance. Check out some more risk factors that may call for more frequent examinations below.

3 Skin Cancer Risk Factors

1. Sun Exposure

skin cancer examsEvery person’s skin contains melanin, which gives skin its color. Darker individuals have more melanin. A tan is the result of your body producing more melanin in response to exposure to ultraviolet rays. This is an attempt to protect underlying layers of skin. A tan is never healthy and actually an indicator of UV damage. With every tanning session, you up your odds of contracting skin cancer.

2. Fair Skin, Eyes, & Hair

People with lighter skin are more likely to develop skin cancer, especially if they burn, freckle, or redden easily in the sun. Those with blue or green eyes and red or blonde hair are more likely to have such skin tone and are thus considered more susceptible. Avoiding sun exposure and frequent skin cancer exams are even more imperative for these high-risk individuals.

3. Presence of Atypical Moles

Individuals with so-called “atypical mole syndrome” are also at greater risk. This consists of having 100 or more moles, having at least one mole greater than 1/3-inch in diameter, or displaying one or more atypical moles. To qualify as atypical, moles may be asymmetrical, have rough borders, or be unevenly colored. A skin cancer exam should rule out whether these are cancerous or not.


For comprehensive skin cancer exams in Anderson, SC, put your trust in Anderson Skin And Cancer Clinic. These dermatologists offer thorough checkups as well as treatment for pre-cancerous and cancerous moles and lesions. If needed, they will work closely with you to develop a personalized treatment plan. Visit their website to review their full array of services and their various locations. Schedule your appointment now by calling (864) 224-7577.
