
Feline obesity can cause a variety of health issues. Thankfully, it’s never too late to bring your cat’s weight down or ask your veterinarian how to help your furry friend live a healthy lifestyle. Here are five simple ways you can help your cat lose the extra inches.

How to Help Cats Shed Excess Weight

1. Adjust Their Diet

Make sure your pet is getting the nutrients they need without the fillers. Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they need meat-based proteins that are easy to digest. Inexpensive cat foods often contain more fats and carbohydrates than proteins, so look for higher-quality products and always read labels. Your veterinarian can recommend the best brands for a balanced diet.

2. Change Feeding Habits

Cats may be pickier than dogs, but they can still overeat. Keeping dry food out allows them to dine more than they should throughout the day. Consider leaving food out for an hour during designated mealtimes, then taking it away. You can also use a feeding ball, which will entertain your cat and give them some exercise as they eat.

3. Keep Them Active

veterinarianTake the opportunity to bond with your pet while giving them a workout. Cats love to play and hunt, so purchase toys that lean into that natural instinct. Laser pointers, mouse toys, crinkle balls, and teaser wands make for fun and enriching exercise sessions. Don’t always expect your cat to entertain themselves. Spend at least 15 minutes once or twice a day on active play.

4. Cut Back on Treats

Treats help train and reward cats, but they can also hide a surprising amount of calories. When you offer them multiple times a day, they can eventually lead to weight gain. Reduce the treats you give out and consider looking for healthier alternatives. For instance, freeze-dried meats without artificial preservatives and low-calorie dental treats can benefit your cat’s health and provide a tasty snack.

5. Talk to Your Vet

If your efforts to change your cat’s lifestyle aren’t producing significant results, discuss other options with your veterinarian. They can help you keep track of your pet’s weight and overall health throughout the process. Additionally, sometimes weight gain can be caused by underlying medical conditions, like hypothyroidism, for which your veterinarian can provide medication, therapy, or even surgery. 


Keeping your cat at a healthy weight will help them live a longer, happier life. Animal Care Center of Fairfield in Butler County, OH, offers the veterinary services necessary to achieve that balance, from wellness exams to nutritional advice. Their experienced veterinarians are committed to addressing your concerns and providing the best treatments possible for your pet. For emergency situations, they hold extended doctor hours for both patients and walk-ins. Learn more about their services online. To schedule an appointment, call (513) 829-6621.
