
It is an exciting time—waiting for your first son to be born. However, along with that anticipation comes the pressure of wanting to make the best choices for him. One of the earliest of these decisions is whether or not to have him circumcised after his birth. This preventive care measure involves removing the foreskin of the penis and does have health benefits. However, it can also impact his future life in other ways. The guide below looks at the reasons why some parents might lean one way or another.

What Are the Advantages? 

Baby boys aren’t able to retract their foreskin until about two years of age. This procedure, therefore, makes that area easier to clean. Some studies have also shown that it lowers one’s risk of urinary tract infections, penile cancer, and STIs later on in life. As a result of these preventive care results and the religious significance of the act for those who practice Judaism, over 50% of boys are circumcised within a few days of their birth, though these numbers seem to be on a decline. It only takes about ten minutes to complete.

What Are the Disadvantages?

preventive careAs with any surgery, there is always a risk of infection or imprecision at the incision site or urinary tract. There may also be pain and irritation associated with the procedure, though these should subside with time. Parents should also watch out for inflammation at the opening of the penis after surgery. These complications are few and rare—with most doctors agreeing that the preventive care benefits outweigh the risks—but should be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not to pursue newborn circumcision. 


If you’re expecting a son and have questions about the ramifications of circumcision, reach out to the medical team at Santiam Hospital in Oregon. In addition to offering preventive care advice, they also have a state-of-the-art family birth center to welcome your new one into the world. Learn more about the services they provide across their nine Mid-Willamette Valley clinics online. Call (503) 769-2175 with questions or to set up an appointment.
