
If you suffer from allergy symptoms on a regular basis, certain aspects of your home environment might make your symptoms worse. Dirty ductwork, in particular, contains impurities and contaminants that circulate through your indoor air, causing asthma and upper respiratory flareups. Read on to learn more about how cleaning your heating and air conditioning ducts will help you breathe easier in your home.

3 Ways Air Duct Cleaning Improves Allergies

1. Remove Mold & Mildew

The formation of condensation within air ducts creates a favorable environment for mold and mildew growth. Over time, their spores will pass through your heating and air conditioning system, aggravating your allergies and potentially causing serious illnesses. Duct cleaning will safely remove mold and mildew buildups, removing these harmful microbes from your indoor air supply and making your smell more pleasant.

2. Eliminate Dust & Pollen

heating and air conditioningDust and pollen also tend to collect in air ducts, even if you change your filters monthly. Pet dander, too, typically finds its way into your duct system. When you run your heating and air conditioning unit, air will travel through your ducts before exiting through the vents, which may potentially introduce these allergens into your indoor air. Duct cleaning removes these particles so that you can breathe fresh, uncontaminated air that won’t cause sneezing, watery eyes, and skin rashes.

3. Get Rid of Pests

Insects and rodents, such as cockroaches, mice, and rats, may take up residence in your air ducts. These critters often leave waste, saliva, skin, and hair in your duct system, which enter your home via your heating and air conditioning system. Cleaning your ducts will prevent these impurities from causing allergy irritation and the spread of disease.


Keep your indoor air fresh and healthy with duct cleaning from Service Air Eastern Shore, Inc. For over 19 years, this heating and air conditioning contractor has provided HVAC troubleshooting, replacements, and repairs to Fairhope, AL clients. Call (251) 990-8060 to get a quote on A/C or heating repairs and book an appointment. Visit them online to learn more about financing opportunities on new HVAC systems.
