
Door locks are common features on commercial buildings and residential structures. They increase security and limit access to a specific group of people. However, knowing which type of lock to select can be a challenge. Simplify the process by becoming familiar with how locks work and the different available options.

How Do Door Locks Work?

These devices are made up of multiple components, each working together to keep the area secure. The first is a static part called a strike plate that fits directly into the side of the door frame. It reinforces the hole that’s cut into the wood and helps keep the lock in place.

The second component, the latch mechanism, goes into the door itself. It contains a series of levers, wheels, gears, and tumblers that move the latch or deadbolt into position. The tumblers protect the door from potential break-ins, requiring a key with a particular set of grooves to align them and put them into motion. Without an exact match, the tumblers won’t click into place, and the latch will remain solidly in the door frame.

What Are the Different Types of Locks?

door lockWard locks are one of the simplest forms of door locks. Their internal components feature curved pieces of material that align perfectly with the holes of a matching key. While other keys can be fully inserted, their lack of compatibility will prevent the lock from turning and keep the door secure.

Tumbler locks are a little more complex, featuring a cylindrical component that houses a series of pins, or tumblers. These are made to match a particular set of grooves; any key that doesn’t fit that pattern won’t get past a certain point. Electronic locks eliminate the need for keys altogether. They rely solely on custom codes and won’t allow access unless the combination is correct.


Increase security by working with the professionals at Mr. Lock Security. This family-owned and -operated company has 40 years of experience and specializes in door locks, security cameras, and burglar alarms. They’re also accredited by and carry an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau®. Expect nothing less than the best from this long-time member of the Associated Locksmiths of America (ALOA). Call (513) 232-2424 to schedule an appointment or to learn more about the security services they offer. Connect on Facebook for updates and tips.
