
If you run a small business, you might not have the resources to operate onsite servers. That’s why many modern companies incorporate cloud computing in their business structure. Storing, managing, and processing data via a network of remote, internet-supported servers will benefit your business in the following ways.

3 Reasons Small Businesses Use Cloud Computing Services

1. Lower Overhead Costs

From client invoices to audit reports, electronic records can take up a lot of storage space on employee computers. The large files can lead to sluggish operation. You’d need to hire a dedicated IT support department to fix daily glitches. Opting to store servers and additional computer equipment onsite also requires money and manpower for smooth operation. Cloud computing services eliminate these costs.   

2. Remote Access

East-Northport-New-York-cloud-computingWith traditional data storage, employees can only access files on computers connected to company servers. This can prove problematic when staffers take business trips or work from home. As access to cloud computing servers is internet-based, personnel can view, download, and upload files to their personal electronics at any time. This means they can remain productive while away from the office.

3. Efficient Operation

From building-wide power outages to routine maintenance, there are several reasons onsite servers could go down for a few hours or longer. This could impact the workday and company profits. When files are stored for safekeeping in the cloud, you aren’t vulnerable to these risks. Cybersecurity protocols and features are also in place to prevent hackers from gaining access to sensitive information, which could put your business and clients in jeopardy.  


If you want to reap the rewards cloud computing provides, the team at Network Solutions & Technology is eager to help you get started. Based in East Northport, NY, the professionals tailor business technology solutions for clients throughout the Tri-State area. To schedule a meet and greet to ask questions, call (877) 678-8080 or visit the IT consultants online to see the cloud services they provide and become a Facebook follower to read reviews and leave feedback. 
