
Dogs love spending time outdoors in the summer. They will happily join you on long walks and spend hours playing at the park. However, depending on temperatures and the time of day, asphalt surfaces might be too hot for their paws. Even if the weather is under 80 degrees Fahrenheit, pavement can be over 125 degrees since it’s constantly absorbing heat. To help you keep your pup safe when you’re going on walks on asphalt and paved surfaces, here are a few tips for protecting their paws.

How to Protect Your Dog’s Paws From Hot Pavement 

1. Take Walks When It’s Cooler

In the summer, make time in your schedule to walk your dog early in the morning or after sundown. Although both are better than the midday or afternoon sun, early mornings are best, since UV rays haven’t had a chance to heat up the sidewalk yet.

2. Test the Ground

As a general rule of thumb, if the pavement is too hot for your skin, it’s too hot for your pet’s paws. If it’s already warm and the sun is high up in the sky, always test the asphalt paving with your bare hand before letting your pet out. If you can’t bear it for at least 15 seconds, it’s time to play indoors.

pavement3. Go for the Grass

If you must walk your dog on hot days, go to grassy areas like a park or your backyard. Grass doesn’t absorb heat like black asphalt, which will protect your furry friend’s paws. Avoid artificial grass, at least in the afternoons, since they’re made of plastic and can heat up quickly. 

4. Use a Paw Protectant

You can also apply paw wax on your animal. This extra layer of protection is useful against moderate heat and rough surfaces. Only use pet-safe waxes, since your pup is likely to lick at their paws. Waxes that are moisturizing will protect their paw pads from the heat as well as treat any cracking or peeling. 

5. Outfit Them With Shoes

For an extra layer of protection, invest in dog shoes. Your dog may need some time getting used to them, so start by having them wear them for a few minutes before gradually increasing the duration. Avoid the all-rubber types, which are effective in the rainy weather but may absorb more heat during the summer. 


For expert pavement services, call Lyons & Hohl Paving. Based in East Earl, PA, these asphalt contractors have been in business for over 30 years. Their work can be seen in residential, commercial, and industrial projects throughout the area. Whether you need your driveway repaired or extended, they’re the ones for the job. Learn more about their residential work online or call (717) 355-9219 to discuss your needs.
