
As adorable as squirrels can look when nibbling on an acorn, they can quickly have a harmful presence on your property and home. When you start to notice their regular presence, it’s worth considering a professional squirrel removal to avoid mounting damages. Here’s a rundown of the basic havoc they can cause.

Common Damage From Squirrels

1. The Yard

Once squirrels collect their acorns, they love stowing them away underground. While it’s a wise storage strategy for the critter, it creates a problem for homeowners because the animals dig holes in your yard to preserve the food source. Before long, a smooth, elegant surface can quickly become an eyesore. Squirrel removal is also a good idea because the pests feast on your plants, damaging your beautiful garden ensemble.

2. The Roof

squirrel removalSince squirrels are such good climbers, it’s easy to access your roof. Then, as a means to getting closer to potential food sources in the house, they can chew their way through your shingles or upper siding to reach the attic. Even if the resulting holes are small, it can quickly let water into your home, resulting in rot and mold.

3. Wiring

Beyond flat-out property damage, squirrels can also pose a safety hazard. As they burrow into the attic, the creatures will chew up anything that’s in their way, including electrical wiring. One result of that gnawing is that the wire could become exposed or damaged, raising the possibility of an electrical fire. By scheduling a squirrel removal at the first sign of the animals, you can avoid that danger. After spotting frayed wire, it’s also worth having an electrician come by for a quick repair.


If you have a rash of squirrels on your lawn or in your house, quickly get in touch with a trusted pest control expert like TAAP Pest Elimination. Serving the community for 25 years, the family-owned and certified squirrel removal crew will root out the invaders and help ensure they don’t bother you again. To make an appointment with the team, just call (585) 723-6542. Learn more about the exterminator by visiting their website.
