
Car paint is extremely durable and adept at keeping corrosion at bay. Over time, however, routine use can cause even the most well-maintained paint job to fade, especially if you don’t keep your car in a garage. Below are some of the most common reasons you might need an auto paint shop to freshen up your vehicle’s finish.

5 Common Causes of Fading Car Paint

1. Sunlight

Ultraviolet radiation from the sun is extremely powerful, capable of fading the paint on even newer vehicles. Absorbing the energy of ultraviolet light breaks down the molecular bonds in the pigment, essentially destroying the paint. Park in garages whenever possible to minimize this effect. 

2. Salty Air

Cars near the beach often fade faster than inland vehicles due to the salt content of the air. Oxidizing salt on the surface of the vehicle will eventually break down the pigment and could lead to corroded body panels, so visit an auto paint shop at the first sign of fading.

3. Wrong Cleaning Materials

auto paint shopHarsh cleaners and abrasive cloths can strip away the protective coating, and will gradually wear away layers of paint as well. To preserve the luster of your finish, only use products specifically designed for cleaning cars and maintain a fresh wax finish at all times.

4. Environmental Pollution

You may not be able to see or smell them, but environmental pollutants can wreak havoc on your vehicle’s finish. Keeping it garaged indoors can help prevent the worst of the damage.

5. Improper Maintenance

In most areas, vehicles need to be washed every couple of weeks, and almost all will need regular waxing to maintain their color. Going too long without routine maintenance can preventable fading, and allowing damage to go unchecked can make the problem worse. If the color is fading or the protecting film is peeling away, it may be time for a new paint job.


As one of Norwalk, CT’s leading auto paint shops, Valiante Auto Body has the advanced equipment and expertise to restore the finish of any vehicle. Whether your paint is fading or you’ve been in an accident, you can rely on their highly trained, dedicated technicians to deliver a valiant effort for every car. Visit their website to browse their wide range of services, follow their Facebook for more tips and advice, or call (203) 847-3043 to make an appointment at this trusted local auto paint shop.
