
Your home’s septic system is responsible for storing and treating wastewater through anaerobic processes that reduce solids. While these systems are built to store large capacities of wastewater, it’s still wise to schedule pumping services every three to five years, depending on the household size. Failure to empty the tank can lead to several health issues, as well as unpleasant odors around your property, as highlighted below.

How Can I Tell If My Septic System Is Full?

septic systemTo spot a full tank, keep an eye on your drains. If liquids aren’t draining as normal, this could indicate that your system is full. An unpleasant odor is also an easy way to recognize there is a problem. Another indicator is standing water on your property that isn’t usually there. Lastly, if the sewage is backing up in your toilet after you flush or into your drains, schedule a tank inspection immediately, as this can indicate that the wastewater no longer fits into the tank. 

Why Is a Full Septic Tank a Health Hazard?

Taking proper care of your septic system can prevent serious issues. Full septic tanks can contaminate water sources, as the wastewater is full of bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These tanks contain fungi that can cause skin, eye, and respiratory issues as well. Serious illnesses such as typhoid, dysentery, and cholera are just a few of the diseases that can harm your family. Symptoms of headaches, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, nausea, and vomiting are possible from drinking water contaminated by a septic tank that is not taken care of properly.


If you suspect your septic tank is full, it’s wise to schedule an inspection immediately to avoid compromising your family’s health. The team at A Plus Sewer Service Inc. provides residents across Orange County, NY, with effective and high-quality septic services. For over 30 years, this company has cleared out sludge from pipes, repaired sump pumps, and cleared out drains to ensure septic systems run smoothly. To schedule an inspection, call (845) 294-6103 or visit their website to browse their septic and sewer services.
