
Most of the time, bi-annual appointments with your dentist are all that’s needed to keep your teeth healthy. However, there are some specific situations that may require an emergency visit. If you’re wondering whether your issue is serious enough, the following guide looks at oral problems that can’t wait.

What Oral Issues Are Causes of Immediate Concern?

1. Severe Toothaches 

If you wake up with significant tooth pain, it could be a sign that a dental infection has started to impact the deeper areas of the tooth. Sometimes, toothaches are even sparked by severe infections, known as abscesses. These will usually coincide with an aching jaw and swollen gums. Often, the solution is a root canal.

2. Dental Fractures

dentistCommonly caused by an impact to the face or a combination of dental decay and sudden pressure, dental fractures can expose the sensitive nerves and delicate inner pulp of your tooth. This causes discomfort and paving the way for deep infections. If one of your teeth chips or cracks, locate any missing pieces before visiting your dentist right away. 

3. Avulsed Teeth 

Knocked out, or avulsed, teeth should prompt patients to take immediate action. The success rate of reimplanting teeth raises the sooner the situation is handled. Until you get to the dentist’s office, keep the tooth moist by placing it in a glass of clean water or in the pouch between your lower teeth and bottom lip. 


Need a dentist? Turn to Peter A. McIntyre, DDS, PC. In addition to offering urgent help for a variety of different tooth and gum emergencies, this experienced family dentist can also help with general and cosmetic procedures, including teeth whitening and dental implants, to restore your smile to its original beauty. Learn more about the types of services he offers by visiting his website or giving his Colorado Springs, CO, office a call at (719) 475-2511. 
