
Over the years, your roofing will be exposed to all types of weather conditions. Everything from sunlight to snowstorms affect this structure, causing wear over time. Understanding the effects of the weather on your roof will ensure you know what to look for after a storm to avoid issues like leaks. To help you care for your home’s first line of defense, here are some of the issues it may experience.

Weather That Affects Roofing in Alaska

1. Wind

During storms, gusts of wind pound the shingles, which may loosen them. Winds also rip branches from trees and can send them flying toward your roof, breaking parts of its structure. Replacing missing or damaged shingles will prevent water from infiltrating these areas during inclement weather. 

2. Rain

Rainfall will Roofingfollow the path of least resistance and penetrate any weakened areas of your roof, including cracks on asphalt shingles. It may also pool over the structure, leading to moisture damage like warping over time. Regularly inspect your roof after storms or heavy rain to make sure no water has accumulated and your gutters have properly redirected it to drains.

3. Snow & Ice

In the winter, heat from your house warms the surface of the roof. Since heat travels up, it’s typically dispersed higher up on this structure while the lower part remains cold. The snow melts from the warmer temperature caused by the indoors, and the remaining water flows to the freezing lower layer of the roof, creating ice dams. As these melt, water penetrates the shingles, resulting in moisture damage. To prevent issues, remove excess ice and snow from your roof after a snowstorm. 


For help with your roofing this year, call the professionals at American Roofing. Based in Anchorage, AK, their team will handle everything from roof repairs and attic insulation to new roofing installation. Serving both residential and commercial clients, they ensure your space has a reliable defense against Mother Nature. Find out more about their services online, or call (907) 345-8700 to schedule an appointment.
