
Hair loss can dramatically impact your self-esteem and perception of who you are, which is why many men and women who are experiencing thinning hair wonder about the benefits of hair transplants. While people may question whether hair transplants are right for them, luckily most people are great candidates for the minimally invasive procedure. Here are four frequently asked questions about hair transplants you should consider. 

Common Questions (and Answers) About Hair Transplants

How do hair transplants work? 

hair lossThere are two basic varieties of hair transplants: follicular unit excision (FUE), and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). During FUE, a punch incision tool is used to extract healthy follicles, and then the grafts are implanted into small donor sites through a tiny incision. During FUT, a strip of healthy hair and skin is harvested, split into smaller sections, and then grafted into place. Both procedures take between 4 and 8 hours, depending on the extent of your individual transplant plan. 

Will the procedure be painful? 

No. To keep patients comfortable, the areas targeted during hair transplants are carefully numbed with a local anesthetic before the procedure. While patients may experience pressure, they shouldn’t feel any discomfort during the treatment. 

How much time should I take off work? 

Because both varieties of hair transplants involve healing, it is typically recommended to take approximately three weeks off of work. Taking enough time off makes it easier to recuperate without the stress of knowing others will see scars or notice a changing hairline. 

Will the results last? 

Yes. Because the grafted hair is taken from sections of the scalp that aren’t as prone to pattern hair loss, your results should last. Additionally, your hair loss doctor can offer other treatments to discourage hair loss, such as laser therapy or products to prevent hair from falling out. After the procedure, the transplanted hair will fall out in about six weeks, but new hair should grow from the grafted follicle, developing about half an inch every month. 


Remember, if you are losing your hair, the team at Hair Institute in Lexington, KY has multiple options available to help you to mitigate hair loss. In addition to offering Folligraft®, a surgical hair transplant option, these experienced professionals can also help with red laser hair treatments and human hair wigs. Learn more about your options by visiting their website, or give their hair replacement experts a call at (859) 263-9811.
