
When it comes to keeping your smile bright, good habits can go a long way—especially routine brushing and flossing. But protecting your teeth and gums also means having to watch out for a variety of bad habits. If you want to avoid problems during your next visit to the dentist, here are a few practices that can harm your oral health—and how you can stop them.

5 Bad Dental Habits That Could Harm Your Smile

1. Smoking

Smoking cigarettes will expose your mouth to a number of toxic ingredients that contribute to oral health problems. For example, smoking is associated with a higher risk of dental stains, cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. While curbing a nicotine addiction can be challenging, there are many resources your doctor can provide to help you stop—such as nicotine gums, patches, and prescription medications.

2. Eating Candy

Sweets—especially chewy and sticky products—contain a high amount of refined sugars that can easily stick to your teeth. When the bacteria in plaque consume these sugars for energy, they produce acids that will wear away at enamel and cause cavities to develop. If you’re craving a sweet snack, opt for healthier options—such as sliced fruit, cheese, nuts, or popcorn. However, if you do indulge in candy, eat it along with other foods and drink with water afterward to help remove sugar build-up.

3. Using Teeth as Tools

dentistTeeth are tough, but they can still chip or crack when they endure too much pressure. For instance, opening packages or cracking nuts with your teeth can break them. Rather than having to see a dentist for restorative treatments—such as crowns and veneers—stick to using scissors, nut-crackers, and other tools.

4. Drinking Soda

Like candy, soda contains heaps of sugar that can bond to your teeth and contribute to cavity development. Diet soda isn’t necessarily all that better, as its carbonation can still wear away at tooth enamel. As such, it’s best to switch these beverages out for those that won’t harm teeth—especially water and milk.

5. Teeth Grinding

Nighttime teeth grinding—also known as bruxism—can gradually wear away your teeth and cause severe dental pain. If you experience this problem, your dentist can prescribe a custom mouth guard to protect your teeth as you sleep.  


When bad habits are getting the best of your smile, Four Corners Dental Group has comprehensive solutions to help. As a leading family dentistry provider in Alaska, this clinic can help you explore treatments to prevent further damage—such as night guards and deep cleanings. They also offer state-of-the-art restorative care—including laser dentistry—to help repair existing damage. Visit this provider online to learn more about these services. For appointments, call (907) 376-2790 to reach the Wasilla office or (907) 258-3384 to speak with Anchorage team.
